
Here you can find all the material you need for the class - the lecture slides, links to lab repos on Github, readings for the week.

Readings Slides Lab HW
Week 0 Getting Started
Week 1 Introduction. Visualizing Data
Week 2 Fundamentals of Probability
Week 3 Sampling and Statistical Inference
Linear Regression Readings Slides Lab HW
Week 4 Linear Regression: Basics & Hypothesis Testing
Week 5 Linear Regression: Statistical Control & Causality
Week 6 Linear Regression: Dummies and Interactions
Week 7 Linear Regression: Interpreting Substantive Effects via the Simulation Method
Week 8 Linear Regression: Diagnostics
Week 9 Midterm
Non-linear Probability Models Readings Slides Lab HW
Week 10 The Likelihood Theory of Statistical Inference
Week 11 Binary Data
Week 12 Count Data
Week 13 Semester Wrap-up
Week 14 Data Essay Week